Roles and Functions in Nursing Nurse Child - Role is the behavior expected by others to an appropriate position in a system role. In short Roles can be interpreted as the expected behavior. While the function has a meaning and the meaning of work performed in accordance with the role of the nurse.
- As executor of care services
- Educator
- Peneglola in the field of care services and nursing education institutions
- As evaluators / researchers
Functions / Duties Professional Nurses
There are three (3) main functions of a professional nurse
- Function independently (independent) that perform tasks in accordance with the autonomy and authority.
- Dependent function (dependent) that is interdependent with other colleagues where these functions worked up or done on the role of other professions
- Kolaborsi functions (interdependent) that hold reference or consultation to other professions to help kesehatn care / nursing / health services.
There are two main roles that nurses are much exercised, namely:
- Implementers care services to children toddlers, pre-school, school time
- Role as nurse manager nursing child that is organizing the service.
Whatever the function and role of the nurse in good health service agencies in hospital or clinic? The following is a description of the show in the role and function of hospital nurses and clinic
Role and Function of Hospital Nurses:
- Role as implementers of health services, nurses have a function: Complete range of facilities and polyclinics to facilitate the service, Research, Implementation, that emergency action when necessary, implement appropriate recording and reporting system that occur
- Role as a nurse manager, nurse works: Pembibimbing health workers or learners who are doing practice, Oversee maintenance patient card and register book, Organizing demand needs tools, medicines and materials needed.
Role and function of nurses in clinic:
- Role as implementers of health services, nurses have a function: Review the needs and health status of patients coming to the clinic, emergency action Perform, Perform recording and reporting system on the implementation of the Maternal and Child Health (KIA)
- Role as stewards, nurses have a function: Guiding prakarya RT, KIA implementation, assist in the administration of patient
Role and function in the integrated health nurse:
- Role as implementers of care services, nurses have a function: Provides immunizations to mothers, infants and toddlers, Implementing counseling to patients, referral Implement, Implement recording and reporting on service posyandus
- Role as stewards, nurses have a function: Building and health cadres in the performance of duties in posyandus