Scope of Child Health
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Scope of Child Health

Scope of Child Health

Scope of Child Health - Today the science of child health very broad meaning that includes not only treatment or treat the health problems but the children will cover several aspects, among others:

  • Pain status of children

  • Health status of children

  • Child welfare

Scope in pediatrics or pediatric includes:

  1. Pediatric Clinic or the Pediatric Clinic of pediatrics scope discussing the status of the hospital, including: diseases, treatments and medication. Along with the development of a pediatric clinic day and age to be berkebang with a special section on child health care services such as radiology, surgery, etc.

  2. Pediatric prevention or preventive pediatric. The aim of the pediatric prevention is to prevent diseases that occur in children, among others by way of immunization, sanitation and hygiene so that the child will be free of diseases that commonly strike in children such as polio, tetanus, diphtheria and other

  3. Pediatric Social (Social Pediatric) is part of the health sciences which aim to educate children / study ways for children to be physically healthy, mentally or socially to prosper and achieve a state of good adult by way of:

  • Identifying the needs of children associated with the child's developmental level

  • Improve a child's environment so that children can experience optimal development

To achieve the development of the child as well as possible and optimal, then the pad aanak needs must be met. Here is a child who needs must be met in order for the child's growth can be achieved with the maximum:

  • The need for a happy and prosperous environment with a harmonious reciprocal relationship between children and parents.

  • The need for food, clothing and shelter.

  • Good living environment in accordance with the health legislation that states that the growth of the perfect child in a healthy environment is essential to achieving a healthy generation

Execution or implementation of the Social Pediatric among others include:

  • Pre-natal care or more commonly known treatment during pregnancy

  • Intra-natal care or care in childbirth

  • Post natal care or treatment after birth (postnatal) treatment is carried out not only in infants but also in the care of mothers who gave birth

  • Baby care up to the age of one year

  • Pre-school care is care that is done at the level of children aged 2-5 years

  • Usaka School Health (UKS)

  • Adolescent health services

  • Care of children with disabilities both physical, mental and social stigma or social delinquency

For implementing highly complex pediatric care that there are several agencies that assist the implementation of pediatric social activities which include:

  1. Clinical counseling and marriage guidance

  2. Family gatherings Berenca

  3. Child Guidance Clinic

  4. Social institutions that treat, prevent, guiding, children with disabilities by fostering social departments such as School (SLB), etc.

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