About Keloids - Prevention and Treatment
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About Keloids - Prevention and Treatment

About Keloids - Prevention and Treatment

What is keloid?

Keloids can be considered as a "wound that does not know when to stop." A keloid, sometimes referred to as a keloid scar, is a scar suddenly accumulate quite chewy / hard on the rest of the skin. Keloids usually assume the character at the top and a delicate pink or purple. Keloids are irregularly shaped more likely to grow and grow progressively. Unlike scars, keloids will always appear visible.

What is the difference between keloids and hypertrophic scars are experiencing?

After the skin is injured, the healing process usually leaves a flat scar. Sometimes scars can undergo hypertrophic, or thickened, but confined to the edge of the wound. Hypertrophic scars tend to be redder and may disappear by itself (need to process about one year or more). Treatment, such as injections of cortisone (steroids) can speed up the healing process.

In contrast to Keloids, began to arise some time after the injury and the injured area beyond. Keloids have a tendency to migrate into surrounding areas that were not initially hurt that differentiate keloid hypertrophic scars are experiencing. Keloids typically appear or arise after surgery or injury, but keloids can also arise spontaneously or as a result of some slight inflammation, such as acne on the chest (even though not scratched or irritation). Other minor injuries that can trigger keloids are burns and injuries due to piercing.

What are the symptoms and signs of keloid?

And keloid looks shiny and dome-shaped, ranging from pink to red. Some keloids become quite large and unsightly. In addition to causing cosmetic or beauty skin problems, scars that look lush tend itching, burning, or even feel pain or pain when touched.

What is the cause of keloids?

Doctors do not know exactly why keloids form in certain people or situations and not in others. Changes in cellular signaling that controls the growth and proliferation may be linked to the process of keloid formation, but this has not been scientifically proven.

The person with the most potential in keloid?

Keloids often occurs in both women and men with the same proportion, although in the past women were more likely to experience it because of the level of use of ear piercing on women's necklace. Keloids are rare in children and the elderly. Although people with dark skin / dark more likely tend to potentially arise and keloid, keloids can occur in people of all skin types. In some cases, a tendency to form keloids seems also related to heredity in the family.

Parts of the body most likely to arise keloid?

Keloid develops most often on the chest, back, shoulders, and ears. Keloids rarely happens on the face (with the exception of the jaw). Keloids and Piercing actions / piercing Keloids can develop due to minor injuries that occur with piercing on the body. Because he was not certain about the exact cause or reason why some people are more prone to keloids tend to thrive and experience, then it is impossible to predict whether piercing action trigger and cause the formation of keloids.

Although there are some who seem vulnerable families keloid formation, at most, it is impossible to say who will develop a keloid. One person might, for example, occurs in one earlobe keloids after a piercing action and not due to other causes. It is reasonable, however, for someone who has formed one keloid to avoid surgery or piercing, especially in body areas prone to scarring / keloid.

Could it be done in the prevention of keloid?

The best way to cope with not having keloid is 1 occurrence of keloids. Someone who has had a keloid should not undergo elective surgery or cosmetic procedures such as skin piercing / piercing. When there keloids, prevention is very important, because the treatment is being done will give you a lot of hope.

Should get rid of keloids?

Decisions about when to treat keloids depending on the symptoms associated with progress and increased severity of keloid and anatomical location of the affected part of the body or keloids. Keloids that are chronically itchy and irritating would be very annoying. Keloid in sensitive areas or in areas of beauty / cosmetics that cause disability or embarrassment is the main and obvious reason to do the treatment. Important not discuss some about whether early treatment is very important. It is noteworthy that the larger keloid will be more difficult to cure.

What is the treatment for keloids?

Several methods are available to treat keloids include:

Cortisone injections (intralesional steroids):

This action is safe and not very painful. Injections are usually given once a month to obtain maximum results. Safe injections (steroids with the smallest dose injected into the bloodstream xdalam) and usually help flatten keloids, however, steroid injections can also make the flattened keloid is a red blood vessel formation by stimulating superficial area. (It can be treated with a laser.) Keloids may look better after the treatment, but even the best results leave a mark that looks and feels very different from the surrounding skin.

How to Surgery / Surgery

This method is risky, because it is through surgery which will cut this keloid can trigger the formation of keloids same or even greater. Some surgeons achieve success by injecting steroids or applying bandages to the injured area after a press cutting keloids. Once the surgery is completed is usually also performed radiation.

Use of Lasers

Laser can effectively flatten keloids and make the red color on the keloid is reduced. The treatment is safe and not very painful, but it requires several treatment sessions. This laser treatment of keloid may be relatively expensive, because these treatments are generally not able to be financed with insurance funds.

Silicon usage

This method of treatment is to wear a piece of silicone gel in areas of keloid for several hours a day for weeks or months. The outcome varies. Some doctors claim similar success with compression bandage made of materials other than silicon.

Cryotherapy: the attempt to freeze or Freezing keloids with liquid nitrogen may flatten keloids but often darken areas that performed the action.


Interferon is a protein produced by the immune system that help fight viruses, bacteria, and other threats. In recent studies, injections of interferon promise to reduce the size / large keloids, though it was not yet certain whether the effect will be lasting. Research on this is still ongoing treatment by using a variant of this method, namely the use of topical imiquimod (Aldara), which stimulates the body to produce interferon.


Ie injections or injected chemotherapy agents, either alone or together with steroids, has been used also for the treatment of keloids.

Radiation: Some doctors have provided a record of the use of radiation to treat keloidi is safe and effective

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